Tuesday, June 21

First Day of Summer

Today is the first day of summer. I love summer. Somehow, everything seems possible in summertime. When I was young, summer seemed to blissfully stretch on forever.

Even though it's the middle of June, today was wonderfully cool: a little bit of cloud, a little bit of rain, a little bit of breeze. And I spent it in easy summer style: visiting with my sisters, playing with kids, puttering a little, reminiscing, reading...all the good stuff. In the evening, I took my girls + a friend to see "Tangled" for free at the summer movie series.

I am grateful for the first day of summer. I am eager for the activities and enjoyment of this season, and glad for the gentleness of spring that has just finished up. I am grateful for the change of seasons; about the time I am ready to be done with one, the next one is just a short way off, full of promise and anticipation.

What are you blessed with today?

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