Sunday, January 23

Tiny Smiles

My baby has found her smile.  And she loves people.  Nothing makes her happier than seeing the faces of people around her.  Today at Church, she grinned and grinned at everyone behind us as I held her on my shoulder.  She light up every time someone made eye contact.  Each person that asked to hold her was rewarded with one of her winning grins.

This evening, as my husband and I were doing our weekly calendering, I had her propped up on a pillow facing us, and she smiled and smiled and smiled through the whole affair.  Baby smiles are like precious gems: very small, but priceless, and completely worth whatever it takes to get them.

I am thankful for the joy I get from my baby's smiles.

What are you blessed with today?

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful today for prayer, and for the sometimes unrecognized answers I've received within the past year!!


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