Friday, July 15

Flower Show

My friend Melanie has a lovely yard, and she puts a great deal of effort and time into it. My daughters love to play in her yard, and help her plant and prune and pick. Because she knows this, she recommended my girls to Cynthia, the woman organizing a Junior Summer Garden Club.

The girls were uncertain at first, but now they love it. And today was the "flower show" for the regular Garden Club, and the girls were invited. We had never been to a flower show, and were unsure what to expect.

It was lovely. So many lovely things! There were prizes and ribbons in every category, and it was fun to pick a favorite, only to find the judges agreed with our taste. Even my oldest girl - who declined to be part of the Junior Garden Club - enjoyed it, and found herself scheming as to what she could enter for next year. Cynthia was pleased as punch to have them there, and to introduce some of her "juniors" to the members of the "senior" Garden Club members.

I am grateful for the pleasant diversion of an afternoon flower show. I am grateful for Cynthia, and all the effort she puts into teaching these eager youngsters about flowers and gardening and cultivating. I am grateful for interesting and wholesome activities that involve us in the community, and provide us opportunities to meet new people and try new things. I am grateful for Melanie, who thought of us in the first place.

What are you blessed with today?

1 comment:

  1. At the end of this last school year, my group of friends all promised each other that we would get together this summer and do some fun things. This is one of those moments when you know it won't happen if someone doesn't actually take charge to organize and contact everyone. I'm glad to say that I've had the opportunity to realize that I actually CAN plan events. It's been a blast to figure out what fun activity 6 or 8 young people can do next. First was bowling, then a quick brunch, and last night we went mini golfing, and then to Applebee's to order drinks (which just turned into dinner).

    I'm so grateful for the time I am able to spend with my friends. I miss them, and I miss the Academy environment that brought out the best in me. It's difficult to retain that positive attitude when I come home for the summer and mom is once again concerned about my curfew and how I spend my time in general, and when I'm working 40 hours a week with not a ton of down time to just have fun. This summer has been a whirlwind of grumpiness and apprehension about a lot of things for me. So, I am so glad I can take a few hours out of an evening to unwind and remember to be positive about life, no matter how strange I may feel about what's going on in it. And I'm glad that I've discovered I can plan events, and they can actually be fun!


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