Thursday, February 10

{Words of Me} Project

The lady behind the {Words of Me} Project is such a talented, up-beat woman. I love what she does, and how positive she is. I really enjoy peeking in on her projects. I may not be in a position to do any of the things she cooks up for a very long time, but I shamelessly stalk her all the same.

Last month, she started a 52 Words Challenge. Each week, she chooses a word. I love the thought she gives to each week's choice, and the back-stories she shares. I want to tag along with this project, so I have decided that  I will do a post on each of her words throughout this year.

The first word from the Challenge I want to use is Gratitude. Of course, I find that very fitting. Gratitude is what this blog is all about. I am blessed, blessed. blessed. I express my gratitude often, I think. But probably not often enough.

I know how I feel when someone thanks me, or expresses appreciation for me or something I have done. I want to share that  feeling with others, particularly those who do so much to bless me and my life. Gratitude! As Mark Twain once said, I could live two months on a good compliment. Only for me, it's gratitude. It is truly sunshine for my soul: feeling it, giving it, noticing where it pops up in my life, like so many unexpected crocuses in springtime.

Is it cliche for me to say I am grateful for gratitude? Possibly. I don't care. Because I really am. I am grateful for Gratitude, and for the sunshine that goes on over at the {Words of Me} Project. If you decide to follow along, you won't be sorry.

What are you blessed with today?

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