Wednesday, February 9

New Beginnings

Tonight at our Church, the Young Women hosted a "New Beginnings" evening for all the girls who will enter the Young Women's program this year. My oldest daughter was so excited to be included. Her birthday isn't until the end of the year, but she is full of anticipation for "what happens next". She isn't growing up too fast, but it's happening all the same. I am excited to see who she will be and what she will do. I suppose you could say this was New Beginnings for me, too.

The parents of all the girls were invited to attend. I figured I would be going solo, as my husband has a calling that occupies him during that exact time (he is the Young Men's president). I was fine with it, because I support him in his calling, and have learned to roll with it. Honestly.

We knew about the event two weeks in advance. But it was only the day before that my husband informed me he was coming with us. Hooray! I was surprised at how happy that made me. I mean, I was completely fine with him not coming. I wasn't expecting anything else.

As it turns out, his counselor told him to go, that he would take care of everything so my husband could go with his first daughter to her first New Beginnings. What a wonderful man. I can't thank him enough for that. Although I suspect cheesecake may come close.

The ladies in the Young Women's program did an amazing job with the New Beginnings presentation. It was fabulous. My girl loved every minute of it.

I am grateful for counselors who give good counsel (and wonderful support!), and for the opportunity to support my husband. And for all the good times we have ahead of us with our children as they begin new things more and more.

What are you blessed with today?

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