Friday, April 15

Long-Distance Connection

We had a wedding in the family this week. My husband's younger brother was married on Tuesday. We are blessed to be close enough to attend this significant event.

A lot of our family is not.

In fact, we love - and are related to - people who are scattered coast to coast and around the globe. Too many of us could not be there for the wedding.

But through such modern miracles as email, digital photography, smart phones, online social networks (heck, the Internet and the ability to even be online!), those of us who were there have shared with those who were not. And this wedding is all over facebook, family blogs, email, you name it. I love it.

So many of the people that I care deeply about would be lost to me through distance and lack of time without facebook and blogger and email. But we stay connected and involved in each other's lives, sharing the ups and downs because of the Internet. I'm a fan of a good, old-fashioned letter, but I know better than to think I could still be involved as much as I am just via snail mail.

I am grateful for my family, extended and scattered and everything. I am grateful for the opportunity to be involved in the big stuff (weddings, baby blessings, funerals, graduations) and the little stuff (first loose tooth, highest spelling score, contests and fundraisers). And when I can't be there in person, I can be there because of those long-distance connections only available through the privileges of the digital age.

What are you blessed with today?

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