Thursday, August 11

Relief Socitey

Tonight was our Branch's monthly Relief Society meeting. I always try to go, but I had completely forgotten about this one until a friend mentioned it in passing.

I'm so glad she did, and I'm so glad I went. It is really easy for me to allow myself to become overwhelmed and feeling burdened and unrewarded and unappreciated. And I love the women in my Branch and how they lift me up. I don't hang out with them much, as I am one of the Nursery leaders on Sunday, and we are all busy and obligated enough in our own lives that "hanging out" doesn't happen as often as I would like.

Tonight, we laughed and laughed and visited and laughed some more. Why was it so hilarious? I don't know. There were presentations on the Three Degrees of Glory, Family Home Evening for Different Family Structures, Family History (with a Q&A), and Crock Pot meals. Nothing really out of the ordinary. But we laughed and joked and giggled and enjoyed ourselves all the same.

I am grateful for Relief Society. It  really is a relief to me. I used to go to the meetings, and then go home feeling all resentful and inadequate, but I have learned that God doesn't expect me to run faster than I actually can, and that the whole "line upon line, here a little there a little" thing is a viable life plan. So now I am just grateful to visit with women and share each others sorrows and triumphs and laugh-out-loud personal anecdotes. And be real on a weeknight, instead of on display on a Sunday morning. And eat good food. I am grateful for the good food, too.

What are you blessed with today?

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